Premier livre de sonates à violon seul et la
basse, published by Eccles in 1720, is known to contain
movements taken from Giuseppe Valentini’s
Allettamenti per camera, Op. 8, so it is
possible that some of the movements from this sonata are
attributable to Valentini. The original Valentini score is
though it is not so easy to read.
Also, the second movement of this sonata (marked
in the original and
Courante in the Suzuki books) is a
exact copy of the final movement from Francesco Antonio
Invenzione Quarta, Op. 10 No. 4,
published eight years earlier in 1712. (Special thanks to
violinist Erik Leveille for pointing that out).
I was unable to find any recording of this sonata with baroque
violin and continuo. This recording by Angela East uses baroque
cello and continuo, but it follows the original score.